Stress Management During Midterm Season

The transition from the seemingly endless, carefree months of summer into the stressful rigor of the academic year can be challenging for many students. With fall quarter being completely remote this time around, not only do students have to channel an academic mindset, but also adjust to the new online environment.
We’ve finally hit the ground running as the quarter is a little over halfway finished - this is the home stretch! Students are finding a solid routine, managing their schoolwork, and adapting to the world of screens. But of course, the comfort is short-lived with midterms and finals right around the corner.
Midterms, papers, and projects all due in the same week? Eek! UCR’s rigorous curriculum can become stressful as assignments begin to pile up. Student stress is one of the leading causes of increased anxiety and depression, and can even lead to weaker academic performance and damaged relationships.
It’s important to take care of your mental and physical wellbeing, especially during this hectic time. Luckily, we’ve compiled a list of stress management techniques that should help you get through these upcoming weeks!
Make a schedule for each day of the week.
Whether you use Google Calendar or write it down in your planner, a daily schedule will help you stay motivated and productive. Plan out your days and stick to it as best you can! Crossing items off of your to-do list will hopefully provide you with a sense of accomplishment - feel free to reward yourself each time!
Get enough sleep.
Long nights and cramming for exams have become the norm for many students, but studies show that it is much better to get a good night’s rest before a big exam or assignment. The next day, you will feel refreshed and energized, ready to take on the day! Sleep deprivation will only hurt your academic performance and isn’t worth it in the long run.
Take breaks.
As all of us are stuck on our screens almost 24/7, it’s important to take a few breaks here and there to break the monotonous routine of online schooling. No matter how much work you have, giving your body and brain a break will help you rejuvenate. Work out, eat a snack, hang out with some friends, go on a walk, or give yourself some time to browse social media - whatever works best for you!
Take care of your mental health.
While school is important, it is crucial to prioritize your mental health. If you’re feeling overwhelmed or extra anxious (especially during these circumstances!), make sure to reach out to friends, family, or anyone you feel comfortable with. Take some time for yourself! Remember, one college exam isn’t nearly as important as your happiness and wellbeing.
Wishing you the best of luck on midterms and finals this quarter! Stay safe and take care.
WRITTEN BY: Namrata Shetty | CAP Intern