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  • UCR Health offers Telehealth Services

UCR Health is now offering telehealth services for patients who have future appointments scheduled with primary care, pediatrics, women’s health, and other service lines. 

During a telehealth visit, the patient and physician use a computer or smartphone to communicate via video chat. Because no physical exam is possible, telehealth is most appropriate for patients who need routine follow-ups with their providers.

Other common health issues that can be quickly and appropriately addressed via telehealth include:

  • Cold and flu
  • Insect bites
  • Sore throat
  • Diarrhea
  • Pink eye

We understand that some patients would prefer to stay home if possible – UCR Health is proactively reaching out to patients eligible for telehealth visits. Please note that patients who have flu‐like symptoms will be rescheduled for a phone or video visit with a nurse or provider.

Additionally, all psychiatry patients will be offered the option of scheduling a video visit to take place from the comfort of their home.

New patients who need to schedule a new patient visit should not hesitate to do so by calling us at 1-844-827-8000 or CLICK HERE to request an appointment online.