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  • National Men’s Health Week

Mental health, especially men’s mental health, is greatly stigmatized in society. Many times, men’s mental health issues get overlooked because there are certain standards that say that men must be strong and are not encouraged to express their emotions outwardly. This National Men's Health Week, it's more important than ever to spread awareness about men’s mental health and provide helpful resources and tips for both mental and physical health. Dr. Roberto Castanos, a psychiatrist at the UCR Health Comprehensive Psychiatric Services, shares the common mental health conditions that men face and helpful resources.

Men’s mental health conditions and symptoms may appear in many shapes and forms. “Some of the most common conditions include depression, anxiety disorders, schizophrenia, PTSD, and substance abuse,” says Dr. Castanos. According to Riverside University Health System, over 28,113 men have struggled with mental health and 4,643 men have struggled with substance abuse in 2017-2018. Unfortunately, men tend to fall into dangerous situations because they are hesitant to ask for help due to the stigma in the professional world. Job security can be a huge issue that contributes to the lack of men who seek help as many have been threatened to be fired from their job for seeking help as many would claim “makes them weaker”, though seeking help is quite the opposite.

There are also misconceptions circulating regarding men’s mental health. These include:

  • Men don’t need therapy.
  • Men don’t suffer from certain mental health illnesses
  • Men don’t feel emotion
  • Men don’t get sad

All these misconceptions aren’t true. Men CAN have therapy. Men CAN suffer from certain mental health illnesses. Men CAN feel emotion. Men CAN get sad. Men are human and deserve to be heard and be provided the same resources and support as others. Seeking help shouldn’t be seen as a weakness, but rather a way to strengthen oneself and find their happiness and true calling once more.

Here are four tips to help maintain your physical and mental health:

  • Stay active. Even 30 minutes of daily exercise helps keep a heart and mind healthy!
  • Visit your primary care doctor. Visiting your primary care physician, even for annual checkups, allows you to ensure that you're physically and mentally healthy.
  • Eat healthy. Eating healthy doesn’t mean always and only eating healthy foods. Maintaining a balanced, healthy diet allows for a healthier mind as well.
  • Protect your mental health and advocate. Take care of your mental and physical health. Advocate for yourself and listen to your mind and body!

Want to talk to a psychiatrist or physician to prioritize your mental and physical health? Our team is here for you. Contact us at 1-844-827-8000 or submit an online appointment form to schedule an in-person or telehealth appointment.

Helpful resources:

About UCR Health

UCR Health is comprised of a team of physicians, specialists and healthcare professionals dedicated to improving people’s health. With five medical offices located throughout Inland Empire and Coachella Valley, UCR Health is growing to meet the healthcare needs of the region, bringing innovative, culturally sensitive medical care to the community. Established alongside the School of Medicine at the University of California, Riverside, UCR Health’s patient-centered primary care and specialty services deliver university-based healthcare excellence and innovation to all communities.