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  • Have You had Your Flu Shot?

Flu season is here. It is more important than ever to maintain a healthy lifestyle! Help reduce the spread of respiratory illnesses by getting your flu shot today. 

What is the flu? 

The influenza virus, most commonly known as the flu, is a contagious respiratory illness that affects the nose, throat and lungs. Symptoms of the flu include: fever, cough, sore throat, runny nose, body aches, headaches, and/or fatigue. 

Why get the flu vaccine? 

During fall and winter, flu activity is at an all-time high. Although most people who get the flu experience mild symptoms some people are at high risk for developing serious flu-related complications. This includes young children, people over the age of 65, pregnant women, and anyone with chronic medical conditions.

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) is recommending everyone 6 months of age or older get a flu vaccine annually. Getting the flu vaccine brings two major benefits for the 2020-2021 season:

  1. Flu vaccines are showing that is reduces the risk of flu illness, hospitalization, and death.
  2. Getting a flu vaccine can also save healthcare resources for the care of patients with COVID-19.

Make your appointment with UCR Health today!