Hello colleagues and Happy June.
This is an exciting time of year as we prepare to close out our current fiscal year and establish projections for next year’s targets. It’s also a time when a lot is going on in our personal lives – graduations, vacations, and the hot weather that inevitably comes to Riverside. I hope you all will take the time to enjoy your family and friends.
A lot is happening here at UCR Health, too. Volume is at projected levels for fiscal year 2024, our access for patients has improved, our visit cycle time has increased, and our plans are on track to open two new clinics by the fall. UCR Health has done an excellent job in improving access to care and service levels for patients. We have also had tremendous success in the implementation and expansion of our Hulen Place Clinic. As you undoubtedly know, that clinic has been open since September 13, 2023, and we have already begun to expand the services offered. As we continue to learn more about the needs of our community, I thought it would be an ideal time to profile what we’re doing at Hulen Place Clinic. Click here for the update.
I’m also including some pictures of the Hulen Place Clinic team at a Community Resource Fair, educating people on the available services:

Picture #1: Left to Right: Shirley Saenz (Community Health Worker Supervisor), Stephanie Sandoval (Health Educator), Ophelia Pena (Supervisor of Patient Access Center and Hulen Place Clinic), Ali Hariri (City of Riverside Access Center Manager), Vincent Nguyen (VCF Lead Clinic Coordinator), Fara Aidul (Community Health Program Manager)
We anticipate that this coming year, we will do more county outreach and expand the student medicine program as we develop more services to reach even more of our population.
Enjoy your June,