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Several risk factors can increase your chance of developing cervical cancer. People without any of these risk factors rarely develop cervical cancer. Although these risk factors[...]

How common is thyroid cancer? The American Cancer Society's most recent estimates for thyroid cancer in the United States suggest about 43,720 new cases of[...]

October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month! National Breast Cancer Awareness Month began to be observed around October 1985 when the first organized movement began[...]

The month of January is dedicated to Cervical Health Awareness Month. Each year, more than 13,000 women in the United States are diagnosed with cervical[...]

UCR Health recognizes National Colorectal Cancer Awareness month by focusing on patient education and the promotion of preventive screenings. Colorectal Cancer Risk Factors, Symptoms, and[...]

Screening for breast cancer and when to have a mammogram should be a conversation and joint decision between you and your physician. Learn more. Is[...]