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February is American Heart Month. Protecting our hearts is a lifelong commitment, and cardiovascular health remains a top priority in public health. While heart disease[...]

Listening to the beat of your heart Your heart beats approximately 100,000 times a day and 35 million times in a year. During an average lifetime, the human heart[...]

There’s no better time to learn about heart health than during the month of love, it's American Heart Month! Heart Disease is known to be[...]

Anna Sarcon, MD, FACC specializes in Electrophysiology, Cardiology, and Internal Medicine at the UCR Health Multispecialty Center. She is also an Assistant Clinical Professor of[...]

February is American Heart Month. Even in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, cardiovascular health remains a top priority in public health. In fact, those[...]

February is Heart Health awareness month, which encourages people to be cognizant of the risk factors of cardiovascular disease. Heart disease is the leading cause[...]

The Cardiology clinic is now up and running at the UCR Health Citrus Tower location. As of now, clinics are held on Thursday afternoons where patients are[...]